woodworking projects for kids
When it comes to making holiday crafts with my children, one of my favorite crafting materials to use is felt. These felt lollipop holiday tree ornaments are easy to make, take only a few basic craft supplies and work up quickly.
Since there is some hand sewing and beading with this project, I recommend ages 7 and up with some adult supervision.
Supplies You Will Need:
Craft Felt (red, white and green)
Multi-Colored Plastic Seed Beads
White Sewing Thread and Sewing Needle
4" long by 1/8" diameter Wooden Dowel Sticks
All-Purpose Liquid Craft Glue
Sharp Scissors
6" Piece Satin 1/4" Wide Ribbon
Pattern: Cut out a 4" diameter circle from paper. We used the bottom of a drinking glass to get our circle. You will use this circle as your template pattern.
Step 1: Trace your pattern onto the white piece of craft felt. You will need two white circles per lollipop. Trace your pattern onto red or green felt and cut out. Now using that colored felt, cut swirls into the felt (see photo for example).
Step 2: Lay your swirl colored felt design on top of one white felt circle. Using a sewing needle and white thread, randomly hand sew on colored seed beads to represent lollipop sprinkles. (make sure you knot your thread on the reverse side of the felt).
Note: As you are hand sewing on the seed beads, you are also attaching the swirl felt piece to the top of the white round circle. If desired, you can decorate both white felt pieces with colored felt swirls and seed beads.
Step 3: Using some craft glue (just a little bit), glue the wooden dowel to the other white felt circle leaving 3" hang past the circle. This will serve as your lollipop stick. Let this dry for a few minutes before proceeding to the next step.
Step 4: Place the two white felt circles together (like a sandwich). Using white thread and a sewing needle, whip stitch around the edges of both white felt circles. (you are attaching the front piece to the back piece).
Step 5: Cut off a 10" piece of white thread and double it. Thread it through the top of your ornament and tie into a knot. Take a piece of satin ribbon and tie a bow around the handle of your lollipop. You can now hang your ornament on a holiday tree.
You will want to let your ornaments try before using them.
Shelly Hill is a mother and grandmother living in Pennsylvania who enjoys sewing, quilting, crafting and scrapbooking. You can visit Shellys online craft blog called Passionate About Crafting at http://passionateaboutcrafting.blogspot.com for free craft project ideas and tips. You can find a photo of the completed project on her blog at http://passionateaboutcrafting.blogspot.com/2009/11/kids-craft-project-beaded-felt-lollipop.html
woodworking projects for kids

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