easy wood projects
First and foremost, consider and make up your mind on what to make. If need be, make measurements to make sure what youre making will fit in place and wont obstruct doors or pathways. It is advisable that you make sure you have essential items on-hand with a checklist, such as sandpaper, measuring device, saw, bindings (be it nails, glue, or staples), protective gear, etc.
Finding plans online, for free, is a great choice to head towards. The only downside is that these plans are lacking in some detail, such as how many nails you may need, a summary count of material, overall dimensions, and if the instructions are accurate. Some may not describe what kind of wood you will need. Because these plans are free, its safe to take further consideration on the finer details before proceeding.
If you decide to take the plunge and buy instructions - dont buy a single plan, but instead search for an archive of plans that have a low cost. Paying $14.99 for a single table plan is not only unwise, its extremely high-priced. Its not hard to find an entire book or CD containing hundreds of plans for less than $50. Paid plans can offer greater detail on material needed, and even an approximate time of building from start to finish (dont expect to finish their approximated times, unless youre an expert at woodworking). Some of these have the same detail as if you were buying a kit - they describe everything you need, so you wont have to make constant trips back and forth to the stores.
When buying materials, double check first. Its comical to see a person trying to fit 10ft. boards into a four-door sedan, but it may happen to you. Make certain how long an item your vehicle can hold, or check to see if there is a service to cut the wood to the desired length (Lowes and Home Depot offer cutting stations, for example). Always check to see if any wood is warped beyond use, and make sure if pressure-treated wood is allowable or not. Keep in mind that pressure-treated wood contains chemicals that can be detrimental to living things if used improperly, and can weigh quite a bit heavier due to the saturation within the wood.
When cutting, as the saying goes, measure twice, cut once. This means that you need to make sure before cutting, and if you make a mistake, you cant reverse it. Simply follow through with the cut to make a uniform slice from beginning to end, even if is a mistake.
Save scraps rather than throwing them out. I personally save sawdust for starting a quick fire in the fireplace, and save small wedges of wood for pet projects, like a small sculpture or stand. It only takes a minimal imagination. There should be very little waste thrown out as wood can be easily recycled into other projects.
Finding plans online, for free, is a great choice to head towards. The only downside is that these plans are lacking in some detail, such as how many nails you may need, a summary count of material, overall dimensions, and if the instructions are accurate. Some may not describe what kind of wood you will need. Because these plans are free, its safe to take further consideration on the finer details before proceeding.
If you decide to take the plunge and buy instructions - dont buy a single plan, but instead search for an archive of plans that have a low cost. Paying $14.99 for a single table plan is not only unwise, its extremely high-priced. Its not hard to find an entire book or CD containing hundreds of plans for less than $50. Paid plans can offer greater detail on material needed, and even an approximate time of building from start to finish (dont expect to finish their approximated times, unless youre an expert at woodworking). Some of these have the same detail as if you were buying a kit - they describe everything you need, so you wont have to make constant trips back and forth to the stores.
When buying materials, double check first. Its comical to see a person trying to fit 10ft. boards into a four-door sedan, but it may happen to you. Make certain how long an item your vehicle can hold, or check to see if there is a service to cut the wood to the desired length (Lowes and Home Depot offer cutting stations, for example). Always check to see if any wood is warped beyond use, and make sure if pressure-treated wood is allowable or not. Keep in mind that pressure-treated wood contains chemicals that can be detrimental to living things if used improperly, and can weigh quite a bit heavier due to the saturation within the wood.
When cutting, as the saying goes, measure twice, cut once. This means that you need to make sure before cutting, and if you make a mistake, you cant reverse it. Simply follow through with the cut to make a uniform slice from beginning to end, even if is a mistake.
Save scraps rather than throwing them out. I personally save sawdust for starting a quick fire in the fireplace, and save small wedges of wood for pet projects, like a small sculpture or stand. It only takes a minimal imagination. There should be very little waste thrown out as wood can be easily recycled into other projects.
read more about wood plans...
Philip Bessa is a DIYer (or attempts to be) and writes on his experiences. If this article was of any help towards woodworking, please visit his blog: Xantuxt DIY Blog

easy wood projects

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