woodworking projects for kids
Have you ever bobbed for apples? Do you remember how much fun it was? Do you remember how messy it was?
Have you thought about how unhygienic it might be for a bunch of kids to stick their faces in the same bin of water?
The good news is, there is an alternative. Bobbing for balloons can be just as fun without the mess, and without passing around a cold or flu.
You will need:
Several long strips of coloured paper, approximately 6 inches wide (for making headbands)
Packing tape
Theme items to decorate the headbands (cut ours, streamers, ribbons, stickers, or more)
Glue sticks
Several inflated balloons (not helium)
Large laundry bin or other large bin
Fill the bin with the inflated balloons.
Have an adult measure the size of each childs head, and make a strip of paper long enough to go around the head with two to three inches of overlap for fastening. Depending on what size of paper you started with, you may need to tape two strips together to make them long enough.
Each child then decorates their headband as they see fit. The adult then attaches the ends of the headband so the child can wear it.
When each child has their headband ready, have them line up in front of the bin filled with balloons. Attached a circle of tape turned inside out to the front of each childs headband. Make it a big circle for the younger kids, so it will be easier, and a smaller circle for the older kids to create a challenge.
Each child gets a turn bobbing for a balloon in the bin. This involves dipping their head in and trying to stick a balloon to the circle of tape on the headband. No hands can be used.
Kids will love this game, and want to play it again and again! They also get to take their headband home with them as part of their party favours for the day.
Jewel Goodwin is a mother of two and an avid crafter. She loves to take tried and true methods and add an innovative twist to make her own unique crafts.
Arts and Craft Tips
woodworking projects for kids

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