easy wood projects
I hate the carving glove. I know its an important safety device, and one that will save lots of cuts, blood, and stitches. But I still hate it. However, as much as I hate the carving glove, I know I need something to protect against cuts and pokes. A historical survey of whittling knife cuts and pokes that have been committed on my person reveals that I have never cut my hand. Its always been my thumb and forefinger, on the hand that holds the piece of wood. Years ago I was introduced to a product that was referred to as "WIMP-WRAP". I would purchase this wonderful product at woodcarving shows for several dollars for a one inch wide roll. This stuff when wrapped around your thumb and forefinger several times clings to itself and offers some protection against knife pokes and cuts. I recently found out that this stuff is made by 3M and is named VETRAP, is used to wrap and hold bandages on animals (horses).
A caution, concerning the color of VETRAP that you purchase. My previous roll was red. Stay away from red if you whittle and/or carve in public, especially if children are present. Their first thought is that the wrap is a bandage and blood is soaking through.
easy wood projects

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