easy wood projects
From time to time I have to thanks all who read, check out, comment, and become a member of this blog. I have to confess that if it were not for you folks there would be little incentive to continue trying to maintain this site.
Some of you know that my main focus is on the beginners and intermediate wood carvers. My main goal is to "turn on" folks to the joy or wood carving. I am primarily a whittler. This means that I mainly use just my pocket knife, but I do use other tools sometimes.
I try to keep adding new posts of easier projects, both for the beginner as well as the more experienced carvers and whittlers. I try to include postings that share ideas that others have shared with me. Whenever one of you communicate with me either through the blog or E mail I try to respond in a timely manner.
As long as I can keep on introducing folks to wood carving and whittling, and provide some ideas for projects Ill continue.
If there is anything that any of you would like to see on this blog let me know. Leave a comment....While my "well isnt dry" yet, I am always open to suggestions.
And again a huge THANK YOU!
Tom Hindes
easy wood projects
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