woodworking projects for kids
Remember when we where in grade school the first "holiday" we came to was to do fun kids crafts for Halloween. Yeah we know its not really a holiday but we treated it as such. Back then are crafts were made of black, orange, and white construction paper. We usually used one color as a background and cut out characters of the other colors and glued them to it. The highlight was to put the finished pieces of art taped to the windows or the wall to let others view your masterpieces.
Today the crafts are a lot more fun than yesteryear. Pumpkin carving is actually done in school with of course adult supervision. Not only do they get to design their own pumpkin but they take out the seeds and dry them to have the makings for pumpkin seed math.
Small pumpkin painting is a lot cleaner than pumpkin carving believe it or not. You can use either real paints or washable color markers. Draw a design on your pumpkin and color it in. Once done line them up on a window sill or a classroom shelf.
Toilet paper mummies is a craft as well as a game. Basic rules are there two people to a team. One is the mummy wrapper and the other is the mummy. Object of the game is the mummy wrapper tries to wrap the mummy from head to toe or toe to head with the toilet paper. First team to accomplish this and use all their toilet paper is the winner.
More fun kids crafts for Halloween include pin the nose on the pumpkin. A concept of pin the tail on the donkey but used with a pumpkin.
Egg carton bats - cut the egg carton in sections of three cups. Paint the section entirely with black paint. Let dry and turn upside down and put a hole in the top of the middle cup. Put a piece of fishing line thru the top and tie to a washer. On the middle cup glue a pair of googly eyes and tie the bat to the curtain rod in the window. This will make your bat look like it is flying right inside your window.
Egg carton spiders - same thing as your egg carton bat but on the outside cups cut out legs for the spider.
An old all-time favorite is apple bobbing. For grade school kids use a shallow container like a cat litter box, but without the cat ingredients, with enough water to barely float an apple. The kids will live this.
For a new all-time favorite is spider leg lollipops. Hold four black pipe cleaners in your hand. Center them below the pop (my favorite is a tootsie roll pop), and wrap them around the stick one time. Bend the pipe cleaners in the middle at a 90 degree angle. Ben one-half inch at the end of the pipe cleaner at a 90 degree angle to make the feet. Last glue on some googly eyes and you are finished.
Teachers, teacher aides, room mothers, room fathers, brownie leaders, cub scout leaders, girl and boy scout leaders, camp leaders need to visit http://easyhalloweenkidscrafts.blogspot.com/ for hundreds of kids crafts ideas.
woodworking projects for kids
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