woodworking projects for kids
Plaster casting can provide hours of fun, Be careful to follow the instructions for mixing the plaster very carefully. What to cast? Hand prints and footprints are great fun to do, get a shallow bowl of damp sand, not too wet just enough that it will hold the impression of a hand or foot print then pour in the plaster and wait for it to set. While its freshly poured you could push a loop of string into one end of the wet plaster so the finished cast could be hung on the wall. When your cast is dry from lying in the sun or being placed in the linen cupboard it can be painted or decorated with glitter.
Plaster casts of young childrens hands and feet can make great keepsakes and wonderful gifts for grandparents. Sea shells collected on the beach can be glued to all sorts of objects from bottles to cigar boxes which can then be used as bases for table lamps or holders for keepsakes. Larger shells can be painted and used as decorative objects in their own right.
Tin can stilts, can be made from old coffee cans, youll need two cans per child and some lengths of string or soft rope. Punch a hole in the side of a can about one inch from the end using a nail. Use a screwdriver to enlarge the hole until its big enough for your string or rope to pass through use the hammer to flatten any sharp edges. Make another hole on the opposite side of the can, cut two lengths of string or rope each length should be about 3 times the length from the kids knee to the floor. Now put one end of the rope through the hole on one side of the can and tie a large knot on the inside of the can. Repeat on the other side, do the same with the other can.
Want loads more great craft ideas to keep your kids happy? just go to Crafts For Kids
woodworking projects for kids
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